An anglers Journal
Why do many
anglers keep a journal or diary? Let me
give you a clue about why I keep a logbook from my fishing adventures and no it’s
not to keep stats on my bragging rights. That’s what my Digital Camera and Camcorder
is for. 

serious and old school anglers have a notebook or journal in one shape or
another, where they keep a diary of their catches. More and more probably use
apps for this, but I’m old school and yet have to be converted into this. Maybe
if I made my own I would be able to get used to this, but I yet have to find
one with all the stats I want in my diary in one app. Also I don’t like the
risk of losing my diary if I should lose my phone; have to deal with transferring
it to a new phone if I were to change it. Maybe coz I’m a bit too old school
and I still see my cell phone as a tool to call people, sure texting can be
handy as long it’s not conversations people try to keep with me. Maybe coz I
suck at texting, takes me forever to type in a message and specially on those
new touch screens. It’s very handy that it got a clock and alarm, I have to
give it that but the million other features my phone have, I totally ignore and
don’t even bother to try and learn – Ignorance is bliss!?
Anyway back on track, writing an old fashion diary got its benefits if I have to say it and I have to. At least it’s my blog so if I’m not gonna say it who else? I can easy backtrack in my notes, writing everything down also stores it better in my mental memory bank. So often I don’t have to look in my diary, even though I end up doing it anyway just to be sure that I did remember correct. I’m the kind of guy who like to be right, I’m not opinionated or anything like that. I try to stick to facts.